How good does this look? This is two to three hours of scraping and sponging. That sponge will never be the same again.
I've got my final room inspection tomorrow, so in my paranoia I have cleaned the whole house, including the most disgusting stove that was caked in grease, pasta and other unidentified pieces of crud accumulated over the years.
Maybe it was because I'd lost 800 yen at the UFO catcher. It took my mind off the loss. The fridge, toaster, microwave, even the rubbish bin are all much better.
I bought some sponges and mould cleaner to do a once over in the shower as well. And, for good measure, a one cup sake to celebrate my leaving Tomioka, and oh I almost forgot, my five months in Japan!
The months are going so quickly. Five months and still not a dull moment.
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
The Five Month Clean Up
Posted by Jimmy In Japan at 11:43 pm 0 comments
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
My New Haircut
I went to a Tokyo hairdresser. I got my hair straightened and coloured red.

Posted by Jimmy In Japan at 11:59 pm 1 comments
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Woodstock, Not The Festival
She wanted to go to a Brain Science Institute information show in Aoyama, I wanted to go to the motor show.

Posted by Jimmy In Japan at 11:59 pm 0 comments
Saturday, 27 October 2007
I'm Not On Shakai Hoken, Goddamit
After cancelling my National Health Insurance (Kokumin Kenko Hoken) at Kanazawa Bunko yesterday, I wanted to make sure I was still covered, so before my shift today I decided to catch the train from Tomioka to Shinjuku to attempt another try at the ward office.
I was in Kawasaki today so it wasn't too far away.
For some reason the woman thought I should be on Shakai Hoken (company insurance) because my gaijin card had the company I worked for on it. She called my HQ and finally gave me what I asked for. I'm pleased to say that my monthly bill is about 200 yen cheaper. That's two Crunkys in my world.
I've just about taken care of everything here now. My addresses have been changed, except for my bank. I don't have much left to take over. In about a week from now I'll be living in the centre of Tokyo! Sugoi!
Posted by Jimmy In Japan at 3:53 pm 0 comments
Friday, 26 October 2007
Halloween In Japan?
You wouldn't think it, but halloween in Japan is a big thing. Yes, really!
This is a slideshow courtesy of Hamachi!'s from Halloween 2006. Thanks in advance. Although it's last year, it shows pretty much what it's like this year as well. Oh no.
Posted by Jimmy In Japan at 11:55 pm 0 comments
Thursday, 25 October 2007
I've Got So Many Things To Do
Being my day off, I tried to get a lot done. I have about a week left here in Tomioka, so I need to make some changes.

Posted by Jimmy In Japan at 11:59 pm 0 comments
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
The Post With No Name
I posted my Australian tax return today.
The Australian financial year ends mid year, but the returns don't have to be submitted until the end of October. Knowing that I'd have to pay the government back some money, I've been in no rush to put it in.
The easiest way to submit a tax return online is with E-tax. The only problem with that is that it's Windows software and I have a Mac. I use a virtual machine to run it, and it went through fine.
Enough about tax, I'm boring myself writing this.
Today wasn't too bad. Another full day at Yokohama. I walked around a bit after work and made my way back to Tomioka, trying to decide whether I need eggs and bananas. I don't want to have to carry food to the new place.
That 4 litre bottle of Shochu is just going to have to wait a little bit longer.
Posted by Jimmy In Japan at 11:12 pm 0 comments
Monday, 22 October 2007
How Old Are You? I'm Great
It's a long trip from Keikyu Tomioka to Shinjuku, and then to Chōfu on the Keio Line.
At Shinjuku I went to HQ to notify them of my soon to be new address.
They told me to go to the Shinjuku ward office to amend my gaijin card and health insurance. It wasn't too hard to find, but I asked a security guard who probably gets asked a million times by foreigners where it is.
The change of address was fairly painless but the health insurance guy didn't speak any english and gave me a japanese instruction sheet and said to get in touch with my HQ.
I made my way to Chōfu without any problems. The train map from Kinokuniya is worth every yen of the 250 yen I paid for it in peace of mind alone.
Chōfu seems like it's getting into the countryside, but is still only less than twenty minutes out of Tokyo.
I had a pretty good day. I heard the title of this post today. It may be incorrect in some way, but the more I think of it, it sounds like a great response.
Posted by Jimmy In Japan at 11:59 pm 0 comments
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Imperial Palace East Garden
Because we have some free tickets, we went to the National Museum Of Modern Art (MOMAT) in Kitanomaru-koen to see the special exhibition, "Ikuo Hirayama: A Retrospective — Pilgrimage for Peace", and with the same ticket the normal exhibits.
Posted by Jimmy In Japan at 10:47 pm 1 comments
Saturday, 20 October 2007
A Suitcase Full'o Clothes
Another day, another suitcase of things to carry.
As it's getting closer to my big move, today I decided to bring all my clothes to the new place.
I was going to leave some stuff behind so I can have clothes when I come back to Tomioka, but I was tired and couldn't be bothered choosing things to stay behind.
I really want to thank the person that had the good sense to put wheels on a suitcase. If I had to carry it the whole way I would have been totally screwed.
Thankfully the trains were not as full as expected, so the minor stress of last week was alleviated.
To minimise the possibility of a crowded carriage, I went to the first one where people were waiting in a designated smoking area on the platform. It was like a smoky nightclub.
It reminded me of back home in the bars before the no smoking laws were put into place. Oh, without the music, lights and drunk girls looking for a good time.
The new flatmate, Jon had his japanese friend, "who is not his girlfriend" over all night last night. He said she has a boyfriend, but I wouldn't be too pleased if my girlfriend stayed the night at some other guy's place. I suspect he ain't telling the truth.
I came home to find the bathroom absolutely spotless clean. She probably helped clean it. Men don't clean as well as this. It makes me happy. She can stay over as much as she likes! One less thing to worry about to get my deposit back.
Now only if they would clean our crusty gas stove. Hmm..
Looking at my favourite toy store website I found this, a Star Wars credit card. How cool, I WANT! Only in Japan.
Posted by Jimmy In Japan at 11:59 pm 0 comments
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
What's The Pointo (Kado) ?
Who doesn't like getting points?
Posted by Jimmy In Japan at 9:32 pm 0 comments
Labels: point cards, pointokado
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
We Know What You're Doing
To the people that shouldn't be reading my blog, I slept naked last night. To the ones that should, "How You Doin' ?"
As the devotees to my blog would know, tuesdays are my mondays. I try to sleep in as late as possible, before I have to get ready. It's just what you do as an english teacher in Japan.
I was reminded today that I wore the same shirt as last week. Yes, that is most likely true.
I only bought a Calpis and a Grape Fanta bottle at the Suzikiya this week. The Fanta because it had a free Macca's burger voucher, and also in the hope that it goes well with Shochu.
Speaking of, there was a 4 litre bottle of Green at the Bic Camera store with a complimentary pack of nuts. I thought of the logistics of getting it home (AND to my new abode), so I decided against it.
Tomorrow we are getting our new housemate. I bet he can't find Tomioka on a map, or on the internet either. Probably because it is written like this, "京急富岡" (get your asian fonts if you can't read this), or else, because it is somewhere you don't really want to live in anyway. A good rule is, if you don't know where it is, don't live there!
Anyway, on a sadder note my uncle from Italy passed away. He wasn't my favourite one. He drunk and smoked, and had a lazy eye, but I'll still miss him. Ci vediamo più tardi, zio.
Posted by Jimmy In Japan at 11:47 pm 2 comments
Monday, 15 October 2007
Happy Cheese
I made my father some eggs and ham for breakfast. I gave him a few things to take back to Australia, my video camera I don't use, Softbank phone that he'll have to get network unlocked to use, and two of the MANY soft toys that I have won on the infamous UFO catchers.

Posted by Jimmy In Japan at 11:59 pm 0 comments
Sunday, 14 October 2007
Shinjuku's Labyrinth
Ok, I underestimated how lost one could get in Shinjuku Station.
My father arrived at Narita International Airport at 4pm. By the time he got through customs and baggage, it was close to 5pm. He caught the NEX (that's JR's Narita Express train) to Shinjuku as I asked him to.
With a special deal, he got the train ticket and a Suica electronic rail pass for me.
He called and said he was at track 3 and 4 in the station about 730pm, so I told him to go down to track 16, where I was waiting for him at the West Exit ticket gate.
Now to give him some credit, Shinjuku IS the busiest train in the world and to get lost is to be expected. I myself went down the wrong way when I arrived, and got hopelessly lost as well.
I stared at the waves of commuters going in and out of the station, hoping to catch a glimpse of my father. After two hours and a few calls I wondered if he was in Shinjuku at all.
Finally he managed to tell me at about 930pm, he was waiting at the South Gate of the Odakyu Line. I have no idea how he managed to get to another train company's exit from the JR line!
I hurried over to the closest west exit of the Odakyu Line, and asked the ticket gate officer where the south gate was. It didn't seem that he understood what I was asking at all and confirmed what I knew, that we were indeed at the west gate.
Luckily, a girl overheard my meaningless request for assistance and offered to walk me over there. THANK YOU kind stranger! I have re-confirmed my faith in Japanese kindness once again.
I saw my father looking as drained and tired as I was, waiting for hours at different gates.
Unfortunately by this time, we could make neither the Korean BBQ I had in mind, nor the Metropolitan Government Building observatory view I wanted to take him to.
After the long train ride back to Tomioka, I walked him up "Tomioka Hill" to my apartment. He hates my hill as much as I do.
It's one thing speaking or webcamming your family over the internet, but to see them in person is a whole lot better.
Good to see you Papa. Thanks for Coming!
Posted by Jimmy In Japan at 11:59 pm 0 comments
Saturday, 13 October 2007
Four Monthiversary
It's hard to believe that it's been over four months in Japan, but not so hard that I've now been four months in a relationship.
Posted by Jimmy In Japan at 9:47 pm 1 comments
Thursday, 11 October 2007
Futon's Day Off
I hate moving.
I realize now that in less than three weeks I will be out of Tomioka forever. It's a pretty good feeling.
Because mainly, I will never have to walk up "Tomioka Hill" every day again. I will have to give it credit that without it, I would not have lost the 10kg I have since I arrived. That, and the sweaty and sticky summer we had.
Being a day off I was not in any rush, but I wanted to make sure I was not on a train after 5pm. I have to make at least another two trips after this before my room will be empty - my guitar gear and my clothes. Time is getting short.
Today's mission was to get my futon, blanket, quilt, pillow, sheets and two umbrellas safely to my new abode.
First I tried to put them all in my suitcase, but it just wasn't going to happen. So.. I put it all in the original big bag that it came in.
I vacuumed around and on my bed, ate a quick omelette and bounced along the road towards the train station.
Sure, people stared at me. They usually do anyway, but I don't care. It's amazing how the power of sunglasses can stop this from happening. Yes, I AM looking at you.
Surprisingly, I didn't have any trouble at all. Looks like I left at the right time. I managed to get a seat most of the way as well.
Round Two complete. Futon enjoyed the trip immensely. I gave it an Azuki ice candy and some Crunky. Sugoi!
Posted by Jimmy In Japan at 5:20 pm 1 comments
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
F*ing Great
Is it just me or can I read something just a bit naughty in this? The juxtaposition of words makes this hard to miss. It's very surprising, considering it's on a Macdonalds promotional paper.

Posted by Jimmy In Japan at 8:29 pm 0 comments
Sunday, 7 October 2007
Looking For Tits
Ok, it's not what you think. If you look at the picture you can see that a "tit" is a bird of which we saw none of. Actually contrary to what the signs say, we didn't see any animals.

Posted by Jimmy In Japan at 11:59 pm 0 comments
Labels: Mt Takao
Thursday, 4 October 2007
The Tissue Mass Debate
One thing I noticed when I passed through Japan three years ago, was that when they give out advertising on the street they usually give it out in a small pack of tissues.
I first thought that this was strange, but now I think it's a great idea. I won't have to buy tissues at all! It doesn't really matter that I can't read what it says on them, they are very useful, especially now that the weather is changing and it feels colder.
So much so in fact that I have found a new hobby of trying to get as many of the touts to hand me one as I walk past. Sometimes they aren't so willing to hand me one, knowing rightly that I am just after some tissues. They are just too clever.
On Wednesday I walked through the busy Yokohama streets, and managed to get a few packs on the way to the catcher arcade. I had in mind to play for the same biscuits as last week. I'm over the toys for now. It's about survival now. I have to eat.
They weren't so keen to move the packs into a better position this week. So, it took 600 yen to get them. Still, cheaper than buying them from the supermarket.
Speaking of, I have a great idea of a UFO catcher supermarket where you have to use the skill cranes to get groceries. It would make a shopping trip less mundane, and imagine how much you could potentially save? This idea is gold.
Almost as good as Derek's "Super Happy Genki Girls" TV show pilot idea. Hmm..
It's only 830pm, and I'm feeling tired doing nothing all day. I might have an early night tonight for a change.
Posted by Jimmy In Japan at 8:33 pm 0 comments
Are You Ok?
I've been meaning to post this for a few days now.
I always thought that diaries were meant to be read by others. Some of the most interesting reading can be found from what people REALLY think. Of you, me, everyone and everything.
Tuesday changed everything.
What I've learnt is that no matter how well intentioned you can be, some people don't want things to be made public. My blog was just for the purpose of writing down my feelings and experiences of living and teaching in Japan.
But now I'm not so sure. Do I really want people to know what I am doing at almost every moment? Do I really want them to know what I think of them? I even feel hurt from the people close to me, who I thought had my trust.
I just want to be happy and right at this moment now, I don't really feel that way.
So that's it. I have to get ready to go to work now. If anyone's looking for me, I'll be in Kawasaki today.
Posted by Jimmy In Japan at 10:22 am 0 comments