You'd think after my craziness on wednesday I would've avoided the game arcades like the plague.
No such luck.
I'm trying to think of my rationale, and the only thing I can think of is that it's one of the places I can go where there is zero reliance on speaking Japanese. I have no problem whatsoever asking staff to move an item.
"Pink one, sumimasen.."
So, before work I perused the arcades closest to work. I didn't play any. Just looking.
After work I went to the Gento near Minato Mirai. I like some cool mugs with Japanese writing and manga girls, but the way they positioned them made it impossible to win.
I went to Shibuya and looked around the usual places.
One machine drew my interest. A japanese couple were winning some stainless steel Disney coffee mugs easily. The catchers claws were actually picking up the boxes and dropping them in the chute with ease.
I thought at first this must be a fluke, but it happened three times!
What am I going to do with all these mugs? I may keep one box. The other two are likely to be gifts.
I just have to decide which one I like the most. Big decision.
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