Sunday, 31 August 2008

Eating Indian In Japan

After the all-nighter last night, I was in no rush to do much today.

I was in need of a spanner or wrench after trying hopelessly with the pliers I had to fix something. My first idea was to go to the closest 100 yen shop for a pair. They only had pliers, so reluctantly I kept going towards Shinjuku with my unwashed afro scaring away the natives.
I found an adjustable wrench at one place so I bought it only to find it totally useless as the nut was so hard to turn that it broke the teeth of the spiral part. For 105 yen I shouldn't be too surprised I guess.

I can't diss the 100 yen shop though. Apart from false advertising, it's cool what (usually) useful things you can find in these places.

How about a gas canister called "My Bombe"?

Don't get any ideas you crazy people.

Later that evening we had some great indian food in West Shinjuku at Bombay.

I thought I'd be able to get a picture of it from Google Street View but would you believe it's one of the few places the camera car didn't go down?

If you have Japanese fonts (OR A MAC haha), this is was the address :


(editor's note: Moved to 東京都渋谷区代々木1-53-4 田尻ビル as of 2021. Click on the address for Google Map).

Why should you go there?

I had the Bombay Thali set for around ¥2200. We had the cheese nan bread for an extra ¥200. Totally worth it.

How good does this look?

To top it off we had mango lassi. Mmm.. want.

The place was popular. It's pretty easy to see why. Just do it. Tell them Jimmy sent you, for no other reason than to get them to say "Jimmy who?"