Monday, 13 July 2009

Getting Warmer

Maybe I spoke too soon in my last post, but today felt like the first real day of summer. You know it's summer in Japan when your anti-perspirant gives up on you.

Looking at the Shinjuku temp gauge, it said 32 degrees. I'll be glad when I get to "chill" in Australia for two weeks. This month is flying by, so I'll be there in no time.

Speaking of "getting warmer", I was explaining to some Japanese the meaning of that idiom by getting them to guess my age. Unfortunately (for me) they were guessing pretty good, TOO damn good. You'd think they could humour me by saying "18?" HA HA HA.


Quite a few were right on the money, and I had a few that said a few years older than my real age. That was a bit of a downer. You know since I use Oil of Olay for younger skin and all. They say you're only as old as the girl you're feeling. Hmm..

Next time it will be guess a number between one and twenty, that has nothing to do with age. That'll be for the better.

Better for me.