Tuesday 18 September 2007

The Lonely Road to Shin-sugita

With the "Respect for the Aged" holiday yesterday, today feels like a Monday.

Not a great feeling when I am coming from Tokyo and then going to Fujisawa. At least I don't have my regular kids class today, so not all that bad.
This is the way that I walk from Tomioka to Shin-sugita. As I walk down my hill, I get to the main road and walk through this Tomioka tunnel.
I walk along this lonely road after the tunnel. Not only is this walk really good exercise for me, I find it really helpful for thinking time, contemplating my life and how I ended up here in Japan.

I'm almost there. If you look carefully under the tall apartment in the centre of the picture, you will see the La Vista shopping complex which houses the Suzikiya supermarket, the Club Sega and the nearby JR line Shin-sugita station.

After work I got the usual Calpis, OJ and two packs of Azuki iceblocks. Just the essentials.

Looks like there maybe a problem with moving out. I may end up staying in Tomioka after all. I haven't received any confirmation from the rental company, and someone is getting cold feet about the move.

My plan to move was primarily to save money and to be closer to Tokyo. This also means a much longer commuting time and for what? To bust my ass? Sometimes I should think with my head. The right one.